We’re off to a club tomorrow

Last night we decided, on a whim to attend a couples only event at a local swingers club. We often decide last minute to go to such events. Being that we have firmly settled on the path we wish to take in this lifestyle, this does somewhat deviate from that….. BUT one thing we do not want to do is miss a good night out in the company of a whole club full of sexy people. We have no other plans so might aswell make the most of it right…….

The event is aimed at 20-40 HOT couples, with around 150 couples in attendance, there is a vetting process just to get tickets. You have to contact the host and provide face/body pictures. This isn’t the norm so for anyone thinking OH NO, i couldn’t do that, don’t worry, in fact this is a rare requirement. Given the event is somewhat exclusive and with us attending this event more than any other to date we just know we’d be in for a great night, what ever goes down

Shopping, Always SHOPPING

As with any event Mrs always wants some new attire, she has this weird rule that she can’t wear the same thing twice when going to clubs. So off we went to the city. We arrive at the shops and i do the usual ‘Man’ thing and complain how long she is taking. Third shop lucky, she finds some dresses, i decide to go check out the mens section upstairs. I come back and she had chosen 4 different tops, an underbody suit which the women ‘dress down’ into. There comes a point at club where the vast majoirty of women will dress down, typically this is a couple of hours into the event, they will go from dresses to underwear / bodysuits or ocassionally full nude. Guys on the other hand is a split bunch, i personally don’t dress down and i am not the only one. its probably a good 50/50 split of guys that dress down where women its more 90 / 10 that will dress down. She shows me what she has bought, a stunning marron body suit with the all important easy access panel in the underwear, a few very elegant tops and within this pile of stunning looking clothes is a rather casual, but very nice looking top, she says this is for our social on Wednesday.

Our next social

So on Wednesday, 29th we have a social lined up. I was impressed that Mrs was thinking ahead and wanting to buy an outfit for the night as in truth i really didn’t think she would want to go, we have in the past arranged socials and she has backed out at the last minute, this i put down to us just not knowing where we were at within this scene, now though with her unreal confidence level and her lets do it attitude i should of known better than to worry, as always she never fails to amaze me just lately. The guy we are meeting is somewhat local and we have known of him for some time, he used to throw parties as i mentioned a few blog post’s ago. This is our first social with a single guy since last year, He seems a super nice, chatty, very muscular black guy who Mrs finds attractive so its an all round win for her. This would be our first time meeting with a black guy so she is very excited. We have said Wednesday is to be only a social, we have this ‘rule’ where we will always ask for a social first if we have never met a guy before say at a club or party etc. We spoke on the car journey home if Wednesday goes well we will ask if he is free on Friday for a play meet. We will without a doubt do a blog after our social on wednesday, lets hope its a good one 🙂

Where we are at with the blog

So a little update here, We have come to the decision to, for future story type blogs, you know the ones where we recap over our meets be them social or play that Mrs will type up a few paragraphs from her perspective. This i think will add a good depth to the blogs and will help see from her view what she thought of the meet. We will also where possible add picture’s to really drive those imaginations wild. We have had a great viewership to these rather limited blogs to date and we really look forward to that expanding as our content becomes more frequent and naughtier. So until the next post we hope you enjoy reading

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