2024 Is the year!

Happy new year all! 

Where do I start, 2023 for us, wasn’t our best year in terms of getting out and having some fun.

You might recall from my previous entries that Storm had some ‘mind blowing’ orgasms. When I wrote that I meant it quite literally. Basically Storm couldn’t have an orgasm without having a rather intense headache with it. It was consistent and ended up affecting her desire to have sex. It was a case where the headaches would get worse and worse. It was always a case of ’its a random occurrence, it won’t do it again’ yet time and time again it happened. The last case of it being the worse, she had to be rushed into the ER. To cut a rather long story short, after various scans and tests the root cause was determined and I am very happy to report as of late December, she is all better! It turned out to be an iron deficiency, who’d of thought something so common and simple to correct caused months of problems! 

We’ve been of 2 minds if we should share this sort of ‘thing’ or not, but given we are an open book with our experiences, we wanted to firstly, explain why we where a bit quiet last year and secondly, trying to get across that being a Hotwife isn’t always about the ‘fun’ living this lifestyle does have its obstacles, this being our first and hopefully last!

With all that firmly behind us now, 2024 is going to be the year where we make up for lost time!

The past few days have been VERY eventful! Details of which will follow in my next entries (writing them now) 

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